I believe every experience we go through is an initiation into the next version of ourselves. It’s up to us how we take on that initiation and transmute it into our evolution.
Going through The experience of getting a double hip replacement at 32 has been my biggest initiation yet. One I didn’t think I would have to face. And one I definitely did not want to go through.
9 months in a very inner journey sitting with hyperthyroidism, inflamed bowels leading to being unable to eat for weeks and a hefty list of horrific symptoms, the top of the mountain was then going though major surgery to have both of my hips replaced.
It was horrible, it was painful, it was isolating, it crumbled my whole identity and made me question everything. But in the midst of the shattering it has been essential for me to be able to shift into the next version of myself.
It was a call to go deeper into who I really am, a call to come home to what really matters and a call to step up into the most real authentic raw version of myself that I could possibly be.

Even though the experience wasn’t nice or comfortable it has been monumental in my evolution in this life time. Even though I’m still “me” I feel like a completely different person that I’m still getting to know. I feel rebuilt - not only literally with bionic parts but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too.
We’re not always dealt nice cards. But in those not so nice cards we are always dealt experiences that will bring us closer to who we really are and in alignment with what we are really here for.
And when we can view each event we go through as an initiation we can see every moment as an opportunity to grow, to expand and transform. What moments in your life have pushed you to go through an initiation and what changed for you going through these experience? I would love to hear from you!