For those recovering from hip replacement surgery here is an update of where I am at 3 months post getting a double hip replacement. As always please do not compare yourself to anyone else on this journey - everyone has different recovery rates and nothing is wrong. My intention is just to share my story in hop that it may help someone else with their recovery expectations.
As the Scars fade and the memories of the surgery get more distant, the imprint from this massive life change remains.
I naively (or egotistically) thought I would sail through recovery like a breeze and be back to “normal” by now. But during this integration time I’ve realised there is no getting back to “normal” because I’ve gone through a pretty life changing time with the lead up to and the operation itself.
So I’ve been stumbling a bit, going through what I can only describe as an identity crisis as I navigate the changes and how I feel in my body now with 2 new parts.
But I will say some sense of “normal” has returned.
Here’s a 3 month mark recap:
I no longer need help to do basic things so am once again independent.
The crutches were buried at week 5 hopefully to never see the light of day again.
Putting on socks and shoes now feels normal and I don’t need my trusty cool shoe horn.
I can pick things up off the floor and climb stairs (although it feels more like climbing a mountain at this stage).
I’m sleeping on both sides with no pain and no pillow between my legs.
I’m driving, getting groceries and getting out more and more each week.
My brain finally has some breathing space without the constant excruciating daily pain shooting through my body
My butt that disappeared is slowly slowly coming back…the daily squats and pool walks are starting to pay off
Sitting to standing feels better than it has in years
My range of motion is slowly increasing
Healing isn’t linear I’m reminded of this every day. Also your journey cannot be compared to anyone else’s.
Keep in your lane and go at your pace. And find that compassion for every step.

I share my story in hopes that you to will find courage on your journey wherever you are and whatever your going through.